Breath work practitioners and authors of “Perfect Breathing” highlight the importance of breath work during pandemic

Al Lee and Don Campbell highlight the importance of diaphragmatic breathing (conscious, deep belly breathing) to reduce stress, and boost your immune system.

PORTLAND, OREGON, USA, July 6, 2021 — Breath work practitioners and authors of “Perfect Breathing: Transform Your Life One Breath at a Time” Al Lee and Don Campbell highlight the importance of diaphragmatic breathing (conscious, deep belly breathing) to reduce stress, increase mental and physical performance, and boost your immune system.

Perfect Breathing is available on Amazon

To emphasize this message, the authors launched a new website at The website includes information on the book as well as other products to help people breath more effectively, including the “Perfect Breathing Workbook: A 28-Day Transformation to Better Living,” and the “Perfect Breathing: Guided Breathing for Better Living CD,” which includes eight guided programs of gentle music and narration for improved relaxation, health and healing, creativity, performance improvement, and emotional health.

Co-author Al Lee said, “Don and I want people to realize perfect breathing benefits during this Covid-19 pandemic. When the body does not have proper oxygen intake because of shallow breathing, none of the body’s systems work at their highest level. This compromises the immune system which we all need to be working optimally right now. The easiest way for people to improve their lives is to breath better.”

“Perfect Breathing: Transform Your Life One Breath at a Time” is available on

Al Lee
+1 503-610-3564
[email protected]
Al Lee & Don Campbell

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