Corazón Sterling presents high quality Mexican silver jewelry every Monday night with a Facebook Online Sale

At Corazón Sterling Silver from Taxco you’re not just buying a piece of jewelry, you’re buying artwork made by hand by an artisan in Taxco, Mexico.

ELKHART, INDIANA, USA, September 8, 2020 / — Corazón Sterling is the premier retailer of fine Mexican silver jewelry and has been for years.

Covid-19 has derailed many from normal shopping routines, so Kathy and her elite team of warm-hearted women started curating their collections into mini trunk shows and are introducing one every Monday night.

Look for Corazon Sterling Silver from Taxco on Facebook at 8:00pm (EST). Programs alternate weekly between a highlighted artisan’s jewelry and a first chance at the jewelry being discounted for the Last Chance Bin. It’s a fun evening modeling and pairing different pieces and telling the background stories of the artisans who made each piece. The artists themselves have been known to watch and chime in with a Hello!

Kathy on Facebook Live Monday nights @ 8 PM EST

“We normally are on the road in the summer and fall, but due to the pandemic the shows have been cancelled. We wanted to provide as close to the same level of service as our customers got when we worked together, and this is just as much fun. Join our Monday night shows where the community of regulars and first timers interact with each other with humor and encouragement.” Kathy has 15 years worth of experience so it’s no problem offering options and answering questions. “I know a tip or two, and it’s fun to show off the combinations we put together. We also offer One Night Only discounts during the show, just for our Monday night friends”, says Kathy Geiger, founder.

Join Corazon Sterling every Monday night for suggestions and great prices on items you will certainly enjoy for yourself or giving for Christmas this year. It’s not too early. To participate in our Mexican jewelry sales, just check out the Facebook page below and you’ll be informed of upcoming events.


Corazón Sterline from Taxco, Mexico

+1 574-226-0563
Kathy Gieger
Corazón Sterling

Email: [email protected]
Visit us on social media:

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