“Fat Burning Secrets” author releases video series showing how perform exercises in book in comfort of your own home

Covid-19 has forced us to think outside the gym to where the gym is no longer needed.

WEST LAKE HILLS, TEXAS, UNITED STATES, September, 2021 /EINPresswire.com/ — Fitness guru, Richard H. Webb, author of the popular “Fat Burning Secrets” book on Amazon released a video series showing how to do the workouts illustrated in his book in the comfort of your own home.

Press Release: "Fat Burning Secrets" author releases video series showing how to do workouts in book at home.

Webb wrote the book with gym availability in mind and at a time when your risk of infection was minimal. With Covid-19, the risk is much higher. For this reason, the author recently created a modified version of the workouts that can be done with bands at home or anywhere. Following the principles in the book and modifying the workouts according to the videos, you learn how to lose belly fat naturally and safely in the comfort of your own home.

“While I enjoyed the gym experience, since the pandemic I have been using the bands at home due to the risk of infection. The workouts at home are so effective, however, I don’t plan to ever go back to the gym. Also, I can now do my workouts anywhere because I can take my gym with me when I travel”, says the author.

“Fat Burning Secrets” is available on Amazon Kindle. A Kindle is not required since the Kindle app is available free for all devices.

To find the videos series, simply go to your browser and type in the search term #FatBurningSecretsAtHome.

Richard H Webb
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