Social Cinema Launches Get Out The Vote Campaign

The campaign is ‘Vote Your Voice Matters’ (VYVM), featuring a 30-second PSA video contest

NEW YORK, NEW YORK, UNITED STATES, August 24, 2020 / — Social Cinema Foundation (SCF) is excited to announce the launch of the Vote Your Voice Matters (VYVM) contest/campaign! With the upcoming presidential election quickly approaching, SCF is looking to engage as many voters as possible!

Vote Your Voice Matters (VYVM) campaign

Given the foundation’s overarching mission of promoting expression of socially conscious themes through film, SCF has launched VYVM! Social Cinema will be accepting submissions of 30-second, non-partisan Get Out The Vote PSA ready commercials. These commercials will highlight the importance of voting, featuring topics such as how to register to vote, how to vote safely during COVID-19, and ways to access election boards.

Celebrity Judges include John Salley – NBA Champion, Darryl McDaniels – Run DMC, Marc H. Morial –President National Urban League, John Marshall Jones – acclaimed actor, Suzanne Shank – Business Woman/entrepreneur , Attika Torrence – Producer and Director , and many more to be announced soon! VYVM submissions are being accepted now through October 4th, 2020.

Social Cinema Foundation believes this is an opportunity for everyone, particularly our youth, to engage in the importance of each of us expressing our voice through voting. “We can authentically connect with our audience,” said a SFC Board member.

Contact info:

Marjorie Kilpatrick
Social Cinema Foundation
+1 714-597-1733

email: [email protected]


Facebook: Social Cinema Foundation

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