Top things to see and do in San Miguel de Allende, Mexico

Location map of San Miguel de AllendeA trip to Mexico cannot but foresee sooner or later a visit to one of the many colonial cities. San Miguel de Allende therefore imposes itself as a reference point of this kind. On a trip to Mexico you cannot miss a stop in a colonial city. You will find that particular atmosphere, that apparent sweetness of life in the city like San Miguel de Allende. San Miguel de Allende has also been recognized as a UNESCO World Heritage Site making this place even more special and unique and definitely a must-see. At 1850 meters above sea level, the climate is so pleasant and the city so beautiful that in recent times has attracted numerous American retirees who come here to spend happy days. For this reason, we present the top things to see and do in San Miguel de Allende, Mexico.

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