Richard H Webb Redefines Being Fit Over 50 With “2 Minutes to a Better You” YouTube Series Launch

West Lake Hills, TX – September 24th, 2019

Richard H Webb launches new YouTube series #2MinutesToABetterYou.

Nixing every excuse not to be fit as a fiddle at any age, Richard H Webb recently launched micro miracles on YouTube.  Comprised of 120-second videos designed to pack a fitness wallop, Webb’s approach to wellness is deceptively simplistic.  His message to men over 50 is to apply effort strategically.  An offshoot of his book “Fat Burning Secrets: Efficiency in Fitness,” his YouTube series “2 Minutes to a Better You” is uncomplicated and streamlined fitness personified.  But, why listen to him? Because among numerous other first-place rankings in amateur bodybuilding competitions, the 56-year-old host won first place at the Masters 2X Competition at the famed Muscle Beach in Venice Beach, California.  And, those boys come to play.

Richard H Webb - Fitness Author
Richard H Webb
Fitness Author

Whittling down what used to take him 16 hours a week in the gym, to a now tactical total of four hours, Webb said of his doable approach to workouts, “Many men over 50 have let their health slip away from them due to family and work commitments. I want them to know that while staying fit isn’t easy, it’s also not rocket science. I can show them how to lose belly fat.  It doesn’t take as much time as you think. “2 Minutes to a Better You” is for the busy 50+ man who can grab two minutes of inspirational, actionable steps to improve their diet and fitness and significantly impact their lives.”

For more information, visit To watch the YouTube series visit To purchase the book on Amazon Kindle Store, visit

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About Richard H Webb

Richard H Webb is an author, bodybuilder, and host of the “2 Minutes to a Better You” series on YouTube. He is the author of the “Fat Burning Secrets: Efficiency in Fitness”.

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