Your organization has a news to share but you don’t know how to write a press release. Well, press release can be the best and ideal way to get out the word about the announcement of your business. Whether it is about a building project, important transaction, upcoming event, promotion, launching new product or new hire, writing a press release is always an effective way to spread the words. Putting together a press release never needs to be daunting. Businesses are bombarding with plenty of press releases on a regular basis. However, it is always necessary to make sure that your press release gets read and published in the way you want to present it. So, to ensure this fact you must understand the fact how to make a press release effective and attractive. Well, here we have brought some amazing options for you which will let you understand how you can turn your press release format 2020 into a more attractive presentation.
Steps for creating a press release in the press release format 2020
Do you want to know how to write a press release in an attractive way? Or looking for the best press release structure for creating a press release that is more attention grabbing but in the correct press release structure? Here we have some steps for you which will let you create an inspiring press release in the best possible way that follow the press release format 2020.
1. Determine your press release objective
Your press release topic must be a newsworthy story which you want to share with media. Although this story can be anything from the launch of your new product to hiring new staff. Therefore, it is essential for you to know the exact topic you are going to write a press release about. Knowing the specific objective of your press release will not only help you to gather crucial information about the topic but also let you know who your audience is. So, make sure to know the topic to outline the news or message succinctly and clearly.
2. Make a worth-reading headline
People get hundreds of emails on a regular basis. Therefore, it is highly important to make your press release stand out in the crowd. For this, you have to write a catchy and concise but informative subject line for your press release. Keep your headline as short as possible but keep it interesting. However, never forget to bold and center the heading of your press release to make it prominent.
3. Add an interesting yet descriptive sub-header
When it comes to make a subhead then you must know that this is meant to contain more important piece of information. Subheading is an additional copy which is intended to provide your audience more information about the news story. Also, subheading will serve as a hook to encourage readers to keep reading. However, it is always recommended to write a subheading which is in consistent tone with the main heading while offering more information. Public relation experts usually advise to look at a subheading as an opportunity to widespread news appeal and show clear impact of what you are sharing in your press release.
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4. Craft a powerful and interesting lead paragraph
A lead paragraph falls under subheading which consists of 50 words or less. This usually led by the business location and press release date. Understand that this paragraph is crucial because only a few people go beyond lead paragraph of the press release. Therefore, the entire impact of your press release is depending on this opening salvo.
5. Answer 5 W’s
An effective press release must answer the what, when, why, who and where in a proper way. So, make sure your press release also covers the answers of questions like Why is it happening? What is this actually? Who’s involved? Where and when? Because without this the chances will higher that the reader may hit a delete. These are certainly essential good press release writing tips which you need to consider. While, leave the press release details for body paragraph.
6. Develop your story in body paragraphs
The body paragraphs are always the best opportunity to describe the behind the scene story. The body of the press release should contain 3 to 5 paragraphs. However, you must write the entire paragraphs as concisely as possible while including all of the specific details about your press release topic. At the end, add a call-to-action to tell your audience what you want from them.
7. Add a quote
People usually write quotes so make sure to add at least one in your press release. Whether it is from a fundraising chair or the company president, make sure to add a quote that sounds real. Another tip about adding a quote is don’t make your quote too long. Remember, concise, short and attractive quotes usually grab attention of more people than the ones consisting 4 lines.
8. Add boilerplate copy
Your company boilerplate information is the final section of your press release. This will include brief company description which will let your readers know about your company in a more effective way.
9. Make sure to add contact and social media information
Surely, you want to make it easier for the people to find you for more information or additional questions. So, be sure to include your active contact information as well as all your social media links. Add names, phone number, email address, etc. It can also be effective to embed your website address right in the press release so that your audience can check that out to get more information with ease.
10. Use an effective press release distribution service
Once you have done with writing an interesting press release then this is time to distribute your press release. For this you must perform research to find an effective distributor. Here’s an article about the Top 10 Press Release Distribution Sites in the US. However, you can also post it on your website, social media platforms to inform your audience with ease.
Writing a press release is not as daunting as it seems if you know how to write a press release effectively. Because without having proper knowledge about what you need and use our press release format 2020. So, follow these steps and make sure to create a magic with your press release.
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